His & Hers hairdressing, beauty therapy & Kobido Up plus A to Z health scanning, plant based dietary advice, workshops and recipes, DoTerra essential oil scanning with iTovi & essential oil workshops - All under one roof!
Set in the beautiful Fermanagh countryside near Florence Court, enjoy getting your nails, lashes and hair done or relax with an indulgent hot stone body massage. You may prefer to enjoy a well deserved, soothing facial to de stress after a long day at work.
For aches and pains, there is a wonderful, therapeutic hot oil treatment and massage using DoTerra's "Deep Blue" pain relieving blend.
You could be treated to a Kobido Up advanced facial workout, which is a non invasive Japanese facial lifting therapy.
Book a his and hers treatment session to enjoy for an anniversary treat or a mother and daughter package.
Mini fun pamper parties can be booked for young ladies too from the age of 8 (all natural!)
Full body, biological resonance scanning is available for those wishing to best manage their health, reduce inflammation or pain, and ultimately, have choice of none invasive methods to manage any illness. The aftermath of Covid 19 has created a real need for alternative health management options, aiming more specifically at the 'causes' of disease, this is needed more than ever before. A simple combination of biology and physics together using frequency, similar to that used in ultrasound, can hi-light anomalies that need attention before they make us feel unwell. Maintaining regular body checks helps early detection of illnesses, giving us more safe choices and peace of mind.
Fully qualified and experienced staff can answer any questions you may have, feel free to contact us in confidence.
So, what is it?
Bio Resonance is using biology and physics together. The biology part is simply "us" the human body and the physics part is simply the use of sound waves/frequencies to identify an anomaly. Just like sonar identifies underwater matter or other vessels/submarines and land mass.
How does it work?
The sound waves or frequency travels back and forth from and to the equipment which registers the anomaly (or submarine) if it is present. It is able to do this because all matter has its own unique resonance. This is actually how mobile phones work, each phone number has its own different frequency so that we only ring the number we want. The beauty is that no other phone numbers or cells are affected in the process.
The NHS currently uses this type of technology in a few different ways, for example, Ultrasound works by sending tiny frequencies through a conductive gel on a person's tummy and tiny frequency waves bounce back and forth to create a physical image on the screen. This helps practitioners pick up a reasonable picture to see the progress of a pregnancy or in other cases, to identify shadows that may require biopsy etc. At infrequent low settings these are harmless enough but really assist the doctors to potentially avoid unnecessary surgery or to specifically locate an area requiring attention.
Originally, I come from a background in business management and teaching hairdressing, beauty therapy, sports and later, holistic health, before taking a break to care for an elderly relative, which ended up being for several years. We found ourselves constantly looking into new ways to meet the demands of the person being cared for, due to complex needs. She had advanced dementia, cancer, prions disease/CJD and several other concerns that were not being fully addressed. Struggling from burnout, as I had also been juggling managing two young children a husband and a home, my own health started to crumble, I became bedbound with lymes disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Later on, breast cancer and then a further complex neurological disease. In desperation I sought out further health options privately. I ended up getting back on my feet 'reasonably enough' to return to embarrassing my now teenage daughters. Being fired up and fascinated by the alternative therapies that I had received, I decided to re-train alongside my husband in Germany, which like the rest of Europe, uses holistic options and invests in alternative medicine.
I am so glad we did this, who could have ever foreseen Covid!
My Approach
Looking after yourself means you can look after, love and spend time with others.
I would recommend an annual scan at The Raspberry Rooms to manage your health and keep on track, to help prevent you becoming unwell. We do this with our car in an MOT, so we can and should view it as our own personal health " MOT" check. This will certainly safeguard our quality of life and give us peace of mind.